Hyperion Entertainment

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Hyperion Entertainment

Update to AmigaOS 3.1.4 released

Brussels, July 8, 2019

Workbench screen of AmigaOS 3.1.4 with new GlowIcons

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announced the immediate availability of AmigaOS as a free update to AmigaOS 3.1.4 released in September 2018.

Since then, some bugs were found and functionality reviewed. We are therefore providing updates that address those issues in order to improve the user experience and also added more workarounds to improve compatibility with some oddly behaving programs.

This is mainly a bugfix update to AmigaOS 3.1.4, however a few small features managed to slip-in:


  • Danish (dansk) and swedish (svenska) AmigaOS catalogs.
  • Setpatch now has the ability to load both an audio.device and a Shell-Seg update by itself.
  • Audio.device got improved compatibility with some non-standard programming practices.
  • HDToolBox now suggests more adequate block sizes for large  drives.
  • CrossDOS is now more tolerant to wrongly configured mountlists and foreign character sets.


Of course, we managed to address many more bug fixes. The change log is more than 260K large and covers components such as the CDFileSystem, the new intution support, audio device, disk support (Format, FastFileSystem and HDToolBox), the Shell, several AmigaDOS commands, DiskDoctor, and many more components.

AmigaOS is available as free download from the restricted download area to all registered customers of AmigaOS 3.1.4.

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to send kudos to all involved persons for making this update happen. Thanks guys!



Full acquisition of ReAction GUI toolkit

ReAction logoBrussels, May 14, 2019

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announce that it has acquired full ownership of ReAction.

ReAction is the official AmigaOS GUI system since it was incorporated into AmigaOS 3.5 in 1999. With the release of AmigaOS 4 and newer it has been improved, bug-fixed and a more consistent and uniform look was created as is apparent from the various applications that make use of it. Hyperion Entertainment and the AmigaOS development team would like to thank the original developers for creating ReAction and providing the opportunity to roll out ReAction on all versions of AmigaOS.

Stay tuned for more news regarding ReAction in the near future!


AmigaOS 3.1.4 for 68K Amigas released

Brussels, September 30, 2018

Workbench screen of AmigaOS 3.1.4 with new GlowIcons

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is highly pleased to announce the release of AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the biggest upgrade since the days of AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9.

The new, cleaned-up, polished Amiga operating system for your 68K machine fixes all the small annoyances that have piled up over the years. Originally intended as a bug-fix release, it also modernizes many system components previously upgraded in OS 3.9.

Contrary to its modest revision number, 3.1.4 is arguably as large an upgrade as OS 3.9 was, and surpasses it in stability and robustness. Over 320K of release notes cover almost every aspect of your favourite classic AmigaOS -- from bootmenu to datatypes.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 is available as immediate purchase from our direct download section as digital download and will be available shortly is also available as physical set of 3,5" floppy diskettes and machine specific ROM(s) from your Amiga dealer (download of digital version included after registering with supplied serial number).

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to use this opportunity also to thank the great team of developers, testers, translators and other helpers for all their hard work during the recent months. Without them this release would not have been possible.


Update 9.10.2018

Martin 'Mason' Merz created a pack of over 900 additional GlowIcons in the new colourful AmigaOS 3.1.4 style. Available as free download from the restricted download area for all registered customers.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 IconPack

Update 10.10.2018

Bonus wallpapers for AmigaOS 3.1.4And another free bonus for all registered customers from our restricted download area just arrived! Shiny new wallpapers for your AmigaOS 3.1.4 created by Martin 'Mason' Merz, available in PNG and IFF formats and various sizes. Get them, while they are hot!


Shogo: Mobile Armor Division available as digital download for AmigaOS 3 and 4

Shogo: MAD coverBrussels, March 17, 2019

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the first-person shooter game Shogo: Mobile Armor Division for AmigaOS 3 (WarpOS) and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition from the direct downloads section of our website.

Customers can now buy this amazing game as a purely digital version at a price of only EUR 14.95 incl. VAT* for download from our restricted download area. The downloadable content consists of an image of the original CD for AmigaOS 3 (WarpOS) and an archived game drawer for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.

The excellent port to AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition was done by Frank Menzel, who was already responsible for the just as excellent ports of Gorky 17 and Descent: Freespace.

Customers who already bought the boxed version will be able to download the AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition version free of charge after registration of their copy.

* may very depending on your local taxes


Update April 2, 2019

A new version 1.6 of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division for AmigaOS 4.1 is now available from our restricted download section for registered customers. New customers automatically get the new version when downloading the full game archive for the first time. Existing customers with installed version 1.5 can download the pure update archive to bring their installed version up to 1.6 without the need of downloading the full archive again.

Changelog for v1.6:

  • Fixed: Some inputs (like the ^ Key for console activation) could cause an ISI crash on some devices.
  • Fixed: If running another program with the same AHI unit in the background, Shogo could crash on exit.



Hyperion Entertainment confirms exclusive rights to AmigaOS

Brussels, December 31, 2017

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA was informed by US counsel that Cloanto has filed a claim in New York State in an attempt to invalidate and diminish the exclusive rights granted to Hyperion Entertainment on the basis of its settlement agreement with the Amiga Parties of September 30, 2009 which was confirmed by a stipulated judgment of December 14, 2009 by the US District Court, Western District at Seattle in case CV-07-0631.

Hyperion Entertainment regrets that its attempts to start discussions to reach a settlement with Cloanto - which were re-affirmed by a face to face meeting between the principals of both companies in Neuss, Germany during the Amiga 32 event - have failed and that Cloanto has once again decided to resort to legal action to deprive Hyperion of the rights granted to it.

Hyperion Entertainment is perplexed by the recent litigious attitude of Cloanto in view of the fact that for many months Cloanto offered AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition for sale together with its emulation package and collected commissions on the sale of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.  

Hyperion Entertainment has never changed its position on the extent of its rights since the settlement of September 30, 2009 and has distributed several versions of AmigaOS with AmigaOS 4.1 for backwards compatibility purposes.

Hyperion has moreover always acknowledged and accepted the pre-existing limited license granted to Cloanto to distribute certain versions of AmigaOS as part of an emulation package as specifically set out in its settlement agreement with the Amiga Parties.

Hyperion Entertainment nonetheless hereby reaffirms unequivocally that on the basis of the aforementioned stipulated judgment it has the worldwide exclusive right to distribute and sublicense AmigaOS on a standalone basis or bundled with hardware (OEM license), either on a physical medium (such as a ROM or DVD) or electronically (digital download).

The same applies for obvious reasons to any improvements and upgrades of AmigaOS for both 68K and PPC which Hyperion Entertainment has released and is planning to release.

Whilst we deeply regret that once again substantial resources will need to be redirected away from development to litigation, Hyperion Entertainment has every intention to vigorously defend its rights in court and by doing so, defend the rights of our licensees.

Nevertheless, Hyperion Entertainment wishes all its current, past and future customers and partners a Happy New Year 2018!


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