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Home F.A.Q. AmigaOS 3.1.4
AmigaOS 3.1.4
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# Article Title
21 What does this new WBLoad command located in C: actually do?
22 ShowConfig is missing hardware expansion details and even then, my MMU is not detected.
23 The menus of the Ed editor look all white-on-black. Why didn't you adapt this to black-on-white?
24 I cannot interrupt pipes from the Shell, or programs continue to run if I interrupt a piped command.
25 Where is the PIPE program? I want to use pipes in my Shell.
26 Do I still need Turboprint?
27 Where is the "print to file" printer driver?
28 I have an unsupported printer. What can I do?
29 My OS 3.5/OS 3.9 printer drivers refuse to work with OS 3.1.4. Where is the problem?
30 I have a printer that is not listed, but was supported with OS 3.1. What should I do?
31 Which printer drivers do I need, and which driver supports which printer?
32 But I need the 28K back--really!
33 I now have 28K less of Chip RAM; where did it go?
34 How can I load icons into Fast RAM? There’s no program or Preference setting for it.
35 I purchased a ROM upgrade option, but I still need to reboot twice to get the new V45 Intuition!
36 How do I install the V45 intuition.library?
37 Why isn’t the V45 intuition.library enabled by default?
38 What is the V45 intuition.library?
39 I tried to install a Demo/Game which uses WHDLoad and the Installer warns me being outdated!
40 I tried to install a Demo/Game which uses WHDLoad and the Installer warns me being outdated!
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