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Home F.A.Q. AmigaOS 3.1.4
AmigaOS 3.1.4
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# Article Title
1 Formatting a big partition fails with "not enough memory available"
2 I was promised nice GlowIcons. Where are they?
3 Will there be more updates? I‘m sick of waiting almost 20 years for OS updates!
4 Are there any Easter Eggs in OS 3.1.4?
5 Can I get the guru back?
6 Talking of support - where can I get any for this product?
7 Can I use the modules from the Modules_3.1.4 disk to build my own custom Kickstart ROM?
8 Why is the “Find…” entry shadowed in the Window item of the Workbench menu?
9 Why didn't you support feature XYZ ...as in "TAB Expansion", "Magic Menus"... you name it.
10 Why didn't you base your work on OS 3.9 and instead used OS 3.1 as a basis?
11 How do I set/change picture.datatypes settings?
12 The background image of my Workbench now uses dithering, even though I'm using a true-color screen.
13 IControl preferences of OS 3.9 had a setting to render windows gadgets in 1:1 aspect. Where is it?
14 I'm using the OS 3.9 ReAction GUI for preferences, but the GUI contains unreadable strings.
15 The new Preferences editors ignore my font settings!
16 WBPattern Prefs does not include a "Layout" cycle gadget for Tile, Center, Scale, and Scale Well.
17 I prefer the nice OS 3.9 ReAction GUI, but now my printer ignores the printer graphics settings.
18 Can I mix OS 3.9 components with OS 3.1.4?
19 Where are Lacer, MEmacs, HDBackup, Bru and MagTape?
20 Are there any new command line arguments I should know of?
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